Calderdale Event Hosting

Each year Calderdale plays host to hundreds of outdoor events and the Council welcomes the use of its parks, open spaces, managed land, and public highway (streets, precinct’s, etc) for events. To hold an event, you should first seek the Council’s permission.


You should apply for all the necessary permissions allowing plenty of time.


As a minimum you will need to obtain the permission of the landowner. For land and public adopted highway owned or managed by Calderdale Council, we have an event permitting process in place.


Time scales – If you wish to apply to hold an event on Council Land and / or Public Adopted Highway, then depending on the scale and nature of the event, you will need to submit your application a minimum of 6 or 12 weeks prior. This is to allow sufficient time for your application to be considered, for any necessary follow-up, and for a permit to be issued.


This isn’t to say that the planning for an event should not commence earlier, this could be 12 months or more.

Adding Your Event to the What’s On Page on


Once you have all the necessary permissions in place for your event and all the details have been confirmed, you may wish to have a free entry for your event on the What’s On page on this website.


To do this, please complete and submit the Events form, which you can find here.

Trail and road running races

Street parties

Event permitting


Parks, open spaces and highway

Event planning

Protect Duty (Martyn’s Law) Consultation

Contact us

Peter Vardy, Senior Events and Film Officer
Or Allyson Corney Events and Film Officer




Telephone: 01422 384796/393212


Address: Calderdale MBC, Events & Film Office , Regeneration & Strategy Directorate , Economy, Housing & Investment C/o Spring Hall Mansion, Huddersfield Road, Halifax HX3 0AQ