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08 Sep 2023 - 08 Sep 2023

Heritage Festival – Those Cragg Vale Coiners (not quite as featured in ‘The Gallows Pole’)

Price: £6.32

Event description

The true story of the recently dramatized BBC TV series involving the clipping of gold coins and making illegal new ones in the Calder Valley and Halifax 1769.

An illustrated talk by David Glover, President of the Halifax Antiquarian Society, this is the real tale of the Cragg Vale Coiners and their deeds. You will hear how their actions led to deliberated murder in Halifax in return for a reward. The man they killed is buried in Halifax Minster and you will see his tombstone. Following sentence in York, two bodies would be hung on a gallows on Beacon Hill – and stay there for years.

Did you know the man who prosecuted David Hartley – resulting in his hanging – also lies in the Minster?

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