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16 Dec 2023 - 16 Dec 2023
Mount Zion Methodist Heritage Chapel
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Mount Zion Heritage Chapel Carol & Christingle Service

Price: Free

Event description

EVERYONE WELCOME to join Mount Zion Heritage Chapel Carol & Christingle Service on Saturday 16th December 2:30pm.
The service will be led by Rev’d Kathie Heathcoat- first service as Minister of Mount Zion.

Even if you have never been to church before, we would encourage you to take the opportunity to visit our beautiful Grade II* Listed Building, listen and sing to carols accompanied by our Anneessens Organ- only one of a few remaining in the world.

We extend the invitation to all the organisations and people we have worked with, especially over the last year, Mount Zion wouldn’t be here without your continued support.

Fairtrade Tea & Coffee, and Mince Pies & Christmas Cake will be served after the service in the cottage- where John and Charles Wesley often stayed when preaching in Halifax.

We will be livestreaming the service for everyone across the world to join in.

We will also be opening from 12:00pm, a fantastic opportunity to look around Mount Zion’s Chapel, Cottage and Grounds at your leisure.

Explore our Mount Zion Library where you can either borrow a book or find a comfortable spot to enjoy reading, play board games, and work on jigsaw puzzles with fairtrade tea, coffee and biscuits.

Event details