From the extraordinary story of the repatriation of Anne’s remains to England, we follow the fluctuations of Ann Walker’s life after she took over Shibden Hall. Was she affected by outside factors and did these adversely affect her mental health? How was she cared for after her removal to a facility near York, and where did she go next? Recent research by Diane Halford and colleagues has shed fresh light on events, right down to Ann’s death at Cliffe Hill in February 1854. A fascinating if somber story! – join David Glover as he takes you through this chapter in the Anne Lister/Ann Walker story.
Ticket income from David Glover’s Illustrated Local History talks goes directly into supporting Square Chapel.
Doors – 18:15
Start – 18:30
Interval – 19:10
2nd half – 19:25
Finish – 20:05 approx.